മലമ്പാമ്പിനെ മാലയാക്കിയ 3 വയസ്സുകാരി, baby with snake, Nasu World Monkey Park, japan vlog malayalam

Nasu world monkey park (那須ワールドモンキーパーク) is a great place to be in, with your family; especially with your children. This monkey park in Japan can give a unique experience that may not be found anywhere else in the world.

Nasu World Monkey Park

Nasu World Monkey Park is an animal park dominated by monkeys from all over the world. There are a lot of activities providing you with the chance to get close contact with animals such as the "Nasu Monkey Theater", the "Exchange Square" etc where you can befriend with animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs and the "Eight Elephant Experience" that is a rare experience in Japan. There are 50 kinds of 400 animals in Nasu Monkey Park to welcome you.

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